
Profitable Web Design: Why a Great Website Design Matters

profitable web design
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A website’s design importance extends to every aspect of one’s digital business strategy. Every type of communication, piece of content, or advertisement businesses post online will direct the consumer back to the website, which serves as the backbone towards an online presence. As a result, one’s website must give customers a clear picture of the brand and the products or services they provide.

Some businesses still don’t recognize that the bulk of their clients will check their websites before buying online in this day and age. This is key in business credibility. And while the quality of the website still has impacting results towards revenue  generation, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of a holistic online presence, encompassing website design. Nowadays, customers expect reputable businesses to maintain a consistent online presence, which includes a strong social media presence.

Because the internet has a much broader reach than any other kind of advertising, the variety of marketing strategies that can be used on the site are endless.

This article heavily focuses on the profitability of a great website, rather than the important features of a great website, which you can learn more about in the 8 necessities for a small  business website. So, without further ado, let’s explore the intricacies of profitable web design and understand why a top-notch website is a lucrative asset for any business.


Maximize Exposure

profitable web design maximizes exposure

A website’s primary role is to amplify a company’s online visibility, pivotal for sustained growth. Hence, it’s clear-cut: superior web design equals enhanced profitability. However, a lesser-known fact many webmasters might not divulge is that without SEO optimization, your site might remain invisible. It’s crucial to engage a firm adept in both business SEO and corporate web design. If SEO sounds like uncharted territory for you, delve deeper into the topic on the Growth Saloon blog.

It’s also important to have a website design that uses the best web management tools when creating a website. The specialists at Maven, for instance, can design a CTA for a website that sticks out and leads visitors to a touchpoint for contact or sale. By using functional SEO, more traffic will be generated towards the website increasing exposure to potential customers looking for a product or service.

Brand Credibility

profitable web design means brand credibility

Websites should instantly boost a brand’s reputation, resulting in more sales as well as customers. This is yet another justification for having a strong web presence. Identifying why a business is exceptionally suited to provide the goods or services it does with social proofs such as customer testimonials, media posts, and frequently updated content helps build customer trust and loyalty.

Companies can practice this by discussing their background and future plans. This informs the consumer of how long the business has been in the industry and what achievements they’ve accomplished. Say a company is just getting started in the field, there is still great information as to how they got to where they are currently and a website can properly display that.

There are powerful factors businesses can incorporate into their credibility strategies such as accountability, respect, loyalty, and consistency.

Being accountable for each action or decision (even if a mistakeis made) results in consumer trust.

Respect follows the golden rule, “treat everyone as to how you’d like to be treated”, and if the customer happens to forget the golden rule, it’s the respect towards that person that earns business credibility.

Loyalty to a customer means that the sense of commitment is mutual. A loyal customer will keep coming back when they feel the respect is mutual. Businesses can earn loyalty by serving the customer’s best interest.

Consistency is important in marketing since it not only helps to set expectations for company followers and consumers, but it has also been shown to increase engagement over time and give the business the snowball effect desired.

Non-stop Marketing

non stop marketing is a key to profitable web design

The web is a 24/7 marketplace, with 4.54 billion daily users (59% of the entire population on earth) expanding every day, meaning there is never a time when a sale or lead cannot be made. With 93% of business decisions beginning with a search engine, companies only sell to 7% of their market if there’s no website. 

While it takes time to get enough heavy traffic to a website to have a significant impact on the company’s marketing strategy, it costs next to nothing. And like any great investment, once the website is up and running, it stays under the business’ hold and continues to work for them FOREVER. There’s nothing better than a serious lasting return on a great investment.

Describe Content Product or Services

Picture this scenario – After a consumer has arrived at a website, and the home page has persuaded them that the company has a good vibe, the sale is not in yet. A proper CTA leads the consumer to read your service descriptions to see if what you offer matches what they’re looking for before deciding if they should move forward with the purchasing decision.

Mavens’ service description page provides an important opportunity to turn a visitor into a buyer. The way a business promotes the services could decide whether someone picks up the phone or clicks away. By clearly describing and promoting a product or service, there leaves no room for guessing what will be provided after the purchase

24/7 Purchasing Power

Website Purchasing Power 24/7

To sell products or services, businesses can use a variety of tools. These include social media marketing, SEO advertising, blogging, direct marketing, content marketing, and a variety of other strategies. Increased traffic to a website and higher returns on an investment result in a successful internet advertising campaign.

Being online allows one to advertise their business 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Businesses also don’t have to worry about employee salary or store hours. Even better, time differences in different regions of the world will not affect advertising. Regardless of the time or worry of closing hours, a business’s target clients can browse the website and acquire goods and services at their leisure. With 24/7 availability and contact, customers will know that they are the first priority. 

Increase Customer Trust and Service

Paying close attention to customer’s needs is crucial towards increasing consumer trust as well as loyalty. By adding multiple customer support channels, such as a service number or chat box, customers will have round-the-clock access to questions, concerns, and comments for the company. Featuring these channels or landing pages visibly on the website will create an easy point of contact for customers not familiar with the business.

With excellent customer service, comes excellent customer testimonials. If the business truly is the top dog in the field, let the reviews speak for it. Create a specific landing page dedicated to your reviews via Yelp, Google, or different social media that exhibit your company’s dedicated history.

Better reviews tend to lead to more shared content, resulting in new leads towards the service and higher customer return. In a 2021 Database Marketing Institute study, they discovered the value of loyal returning customers: they buy more, buy more often, are cheaper to serve, have higher retention rates, and are more profitable than newly acquired customers.

The top priority for a business is to serve and support your customers, but smart firms also watch consumer behavior to see what they’re using your product for, how they’re using it, and what they’re doing with the information the business helped them acquire.

Catch New Leads

profitable web design brings leads

A rule of thumb for every profitable web design: One of the best ways to catch new leads is through tracking customer data, which can be implemented even before a sale, using various CTAs. Users should encounter CTAs throughout your website to guide them to you. Every CTA should direct to a contact page, be it a submission form, displayed contact details, pop-ups, or feature boxes.


Pop-ups are a tried-and-true method used within profitable design to increase conversions and capture leads. Pop-ups have been shown to increase conversion rates by about 15% on average for some users, and they are an effective way to get individuals onto the mailing list. While some may claim that they are not user-friendly, they accomplish the job and are frequently utilized on a majority of websites.

Feature Boxes

The feature box is a large banner that appears at the top of the webpage with the primary purpose of converting visitors into subscribers. The reason it works so well is that it sits above the fold and is unobtrusive, unlike pop-ups, which are sometimes poorly designed and appear aggressive to some users which can steer away leads.

High converting landing pages are another gateway to capture leads. Landing pages are personalized pages to which your leads are routed towards a social network page, an email or contact page, a paid ad, or a CTA button or image on the website and are an important aspect of conversion and optimization. You can learn more about high converting landing pages here.

Overcome Competition

profitable web design makes you outrank competition

There’s no simple explanation for beating one’s competition, and while competition exists in every industry, there happens to be a few outliers that have set the smarter companies further ahead from the rest. 

One of the most likely ways to outperform the competition is to better serve the needs of a shared target audience. To find out exactly what the client wants while utilizing a product or service, ask open-ended questions that can solidify what the consumer is precisely looking for. These questions might include:

  • Right now, what is your company’s biggest obstacle towards growth?
  • What might be the reasoning behind any recent company or customer losses?
  • Which work tasks occupy the most of your time, and what are your complaints about them?      

Offering prices that are more reasonable is one of the simplest methods to outperform competitors. Having a clear picture of the competitors’ goods or services cost is a must to figure out the optimum price point. Do some research. Investigate which of the competitors provides the best product or service for the lowest value. Then decide whether or not what the business is selling adds more value to the table and, as a result, should be priced higher.

But, the market is divided into lower, middle, and upper tiers, as a business owner you must determine which group is the target market; that’s why lowering the costs isn’t always the best pricing strategy.

Experience the Advantages of Profitable Website Design Right Away!

Having a great website does not come easy. It takes time to produce the results that separate a unique business from the rest of the crowd. However, having a professional, polished website that performs well and provides clients with easy navigation, compelling photos, professional-quality content, and an overall experience that engages them enough to want to do business with you is critical. This is a simple task for the team at Maven Marketing.

With a personalized approach, affordable pricing, and a quality web design team, Maven can turn any creative idea into a profitable digital marketing campaign. So, secure the website you’ve always wanted and experience the advantages of profitable website design immediately.

Hope this article helps you out! If you want more advice for expanding your reach, getting leads, & growing your business — let us know in the comment section below!

Or if you’d like help implementing any of these tactics into your business – drop us a line! We’d love if you left a comment/question for us to answer below!

How will your business become more profitable with a great website?

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About Maven Marketing Group

Maven Marketing Group was founded in 2019 on the core principle of bringing small businesses into the digital age. We are a Chicago based company, with clients all over the United States (& world). 

Maven Marketing Group has matured into a full-stack freelance digital marketing agency that focuses on offering high-quality web design packageswebsite management services, and freelance digital marketing services




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