
A Custom Website Build: How Long Does It Take?

A Custom Website Build: How Long Does It Take?

custom website build

In today’s world, a website is an essential tool for any business.

It’s your online storefront, and it can be used to promote your products or services, provide information about your company, connect with customers, and more.

So if you’re in the market for a new website – or even if you just need a redesign – it’s important to understand how long the process will take.

Many factors go into creating a website, and the amount of time it takes to build one will vary depending on the size and complexity of the project.

But in general, you can expect the entire process to take anywhere from two weeks to several months.

Let’s take a closer look at each stage of the process:

Table of Contents

Planning and Research

how long does it take to build custom website

Before you start building your website, it’s important to do some planning.

This includes things like researching the competition, defining your goals, creating user personas, and deciding on a design concept.

Depending on how extensive your research is, this stage could take anywhere from one week to two months.

Typically, the more planning you do upfront, the smoother the development process will be.

Here are things included in planning and research:

  • Researching the competition: In this stage, you’ll look at the websites of your competitors to gain insights into what makes a successful website and how you can stand out from them. For example, what colors do they use? What type of content do they feature? How is their navigation structured?
  • Defining your goals: This step involves answering questions like what you want to accomplish with your website and who your target audience is. Your answers will help you create content and design that’s tailored to your specific needs.
  • Creating user personas: User personas are fictional representations of your ideal website visitors. They can be used to help inform the design, layout, and content of your website, as well as guide decisions related to marketing tactics.
  • Deciding on a design concept: This part of the process involves coming up with a general idea for how you want your website to look and feel. This can include things like color schemes, typography, images, and other visual elements.

Web Design

custom website timeline

Once you’ve completed the planning and research stage, it’s time to start designing your website.

This stage involves creating the actual visual elements that will appear on your website, such as logos, illustrations, buttons, and so on.

The amount of time this stage takes can vary depending on the complexity of the project, but it typically takes one to two weeks.

It includes:

  • Designing logos and illustrations: This step involves creating logos, icons, and other visual elements that will be used on the website. Even though these elements are relatively small, it’s important to make sure they look professional and fit the overall design concept.
  • Creating wireframes: Wireframes are sketches of your website that outline how different elements will be arranged on each page. This helps you visualize how the finished product will look before you start coding it.
  • Designing the layout: This is where you create the look and feel of your website. You’ll decide on a color scheme, choose fonts, add images, and so on.

Web Development

duration of website development

Once the design is complete, it’s time to start coding your website. The amount of time this stage takes depends on how complex the project is, but it typically takes one to two months.

It includes:

  • Coding the website: This step involves writing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for your website. It’s important to make sure that all of this code is well-written and optimized for performance.
  • Building integrations: If you’re using a content management system (CMS) or other third-party services, you’ll need to integrate them with your website. This can involve things like setting up API connections and configuring plugins.
  • Testing and debugging: Before you launch your website, it’s important to make sure that everything is working properly. This involves things like running tests and fixing any bugs or issues that arise during testing.


timeframe for website creation

Once all of the development work is complete, it’s time to launch your website.

Depending on how things went during the development process, this stage can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

It includes:

  • Configuring hosting and domain: Before you can launch your website, you’ll need to configure the hosting and domain settings for it. This involves things like setting up DNS records and configuring SSL certificates.
  • Optimizing for performance: Once your website is up and running, you’ll want to make sure that it’s optimized for speed and security. This can involve things like setting up caching and compression rules, as well as enabling content delivery networks (CDNs).
  • Promoting the launch: The final step is to promote the launch of your website. This can involve things like creating social media posts, writing blog posts, and sending out email newsletters.

DIY vs. Developer

website development time

When considering a custom website build, time can be a major factor.

Many people are under the impression that they could easily DIY their website in no time at all, and while this is technically possible, it comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls.

After all, creating an effective website takes expertise across many different disciplines including design, coding, content writing, and more.

On the other end of the spectrum, hiring a professional web developer for a custom website build can be expensive and time-consuming – depending on the scope of work.

So how long does it take? Well, this depends on several factors including the complexity of the design, available resources, and the experience level of the developer.

At the end of the day, a custom website build can range from a few weeks to several months depending on the specific project.

Generally speaking, if you’re looking for an affordable solution with minimal risk, then DIY might be your best bet.

However, if you want something more polished and professional-looking with advanced features and functionalities, then a web developer is the way to go.

Your Available Resources 

custom website build duration

When it comes to the time needed for a custom website build, resources can play a major role.

Does your team have access to experienced developers, content writers, and designers?

Are there any existing tools that you could use to speed up the process?

How much budget do you have available to outsource tasks if needed?

These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself when estimating how long it will take for a custom website to build.

The more resources available, the faster the process and vice-versa.

Here are some of the most useful resources when building a custom website:

  • Designers and content writers: If you want to create an effective website, it’s important to have experienced and talented designers and content writers on your team. These professionals will help bring your ideas to life with compelling visuals and engaging copy.
  • Coding resources: Developing a custom website requires a deep understanding of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you don’t have the necessary experience or resources to code your website from scratch, then consider using existing frameworks like WordPress or Squarespace.
  • Project management software: Finally, project management software can be extremely helpful when it comes to tracking progress and staying organized. Make sure to choose a platform that’s intuitive and easy to use so you can stay on top of your project from start to finish.

At the end of the day, building a custom website is no small feat – it takes time and effort to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Experience Level

web design project timeline

The amount of time it takes to build your site depends largely on the experience level of the web developer.

A more experienced web developer will likely be able to work faster and create a higher-quality website with fewer resources required.

However, it is important to remember that having an experienced web developer does not guarantee a particular timeline for your project – an experienced web developer may still need several weeks to create a custom website, depending on its complexity.

It is also important to remember that certain features will take longer than usual for any web developer, regardless of their experience level.

For example, creating an eCommerce online store or adding a content management system like WordPress can add significantly more time to the project.

Other aspects such as SEO optimization and custom branding can also add time to your timeline.

It is best to discuss your timeline expectations with any prospective web developer before selecting an individual or company for your project.

Be sure that you are realistic with your expectations, as it will be easier for the web developer to give an accurate timeline when they know what kind of project you are expecting.

Project's Scope and Complexity

 average time for website build

The scope and complexity of a project is also important factor in determining its timeline.

If the client has a clear idea of what they want from their online store, then it will be easier for the web developer to work more quickly.

On the other hand, if there are multiple changes or requests during the development process, this can significantly add to the timeline.

The client needs to plan out their website in advance so that they know exactly what features and services they want from it.

This will help both parties work more efficiently and avoid any potential delays during the development process.

Finally, if the web developer does not have access to certain resources or tools, it may also add time to the project’s timeline.

For example, if a custom feature needs to be developed, this can take several days or weeks depending on its complexity.

Therefore, web developers need to make sure they have access to all the necessary resources and tools before beginning a project.

Functionality Testing

website creation process duration

Testing is an important part of the website-building process.

After the website is built, it needs to be tested to make sure that all its features are functioning correctly.

This can take several days depending on how complex the website is and how extensive the testing needs to be.

Therefore, clients need to keep this in mind when determining a timeline for their project.

Even though many factors affect the timeline of a custom website build, it is possible to estimate how long it might take and plan accordingly.

By taking into account your resources and making use of existing SEO tools, you can make an educated guess as to how long your custom website build will take.

With careful planning and dedication, you can expect a successful custom website build within an acceptable timeframe.

The best way to ensure that your custom website build is completed promptly is to make sure you have the right resources and plan ahead of time.

Make sure that you are aware of all the tasks involved, ask questions if necessary, and use tools whenever possible.

With careful planning and dedication, you can make sure that your custom website build is completed within an acceptable timeline.

Different Ways to Build a Custom Website (And Their Timeframe)

time to build a custom site

When it comes to building a custom website, there are several routes you can take.

Each of these has its timeframes and considerations that must be taken into account before starting the project.

Website Designer

website design project duration

This is most often the longest route when it comes to getting your custom online store built.

It involves hiring an experienced website designer who can create the look and feel of your site exactly as you envision it.

Depending on the complexity, a professional website designer will typically take anywhere from four to eight weeks to complete the project.

In addition, a website designer may also be able to provide additional services such as search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, and maintenance.

Even though this is the longest route, it can offer you the greatest flexibility in terms of customization and design.

Website Builder Platforms

 steps in custom website creation

These are platforms like Shopify and Squarespace that allow those with limited coding knowledge to create a site for free and start selling right away.

With these, you select a pre-made template and then customize it to fit your needs.

On average, a basic website can be built on one of these platforms in just a few days or weeks.

However, depending on the complexity of your site, it could take longer.

With these platforms, you are also very limited in terms of customization.

DIY Website Templates

importance of custom web design

Similar to website builder platforms, these are pre-made templates that you can customize with your content and images.

The benefit of DIY website templates is that they don’t require any coding knowledge and can be completed in a few hours or days.

Imagine you are building a portfolio website and need something professional-looking without having any knowledge of how to build a website.

Well, you won’t get very far in differentiating your company from your competitors if you use DIY Templates.

Online Website Builders

phases of website development

These are services like Wix and Weebly that offer users the ability to create a website with no coding experience.

They typically offer drag-and-drop features and support for multiple content types such as videos, images, and text.

Using an online drag-and-drop editor is one of the cookie-cutter routes when it comes to getting a website online.

What you save in money you lose in time and medical bills from all the headaches they cause in the future.

Mobile Website Builders

 time needed for custom web design

These are services like Mobirise and AppMachine that allow users to create mobile-friendly websites.

They offer features such as drag-and-drop builders, customizable templates, and support for multiple devices.

Using a mobile website builder is pretty much a waste of time and should never be done without professional help.

HTML/CSS Websites

custom site creation timeline

If you have coding knowledge and want complete control over the design and functionality of your custom website, this is the route for you.

This involves creating your website from scratch using HTML and CSS code.

The benefit of this route is that you can create a website exactly as you envision it, without any limitations.

However, depending on the complexity of the site, it can take anywhere from one week to several months to complete.

WordPress Websites

website build process steps

If you are familiar with HTML and CSS coding but want to speed up the development process, WordPress is a great option.

This content management system (CMS) allows you to create a website quickly by using templates and themes.

Using WordPress can shorten the time it takes to build your website significantly.

On average, a basic WordPress site can be created in just a few days or weeks.

No matter what route you choose, building a custom website is an involved process that requires time and expertise.

But with the right approach, you can create a website that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals.

Professional Website Design & Development Team

considerations in website design timeline

If you are looking for the highest level of customization and design, hiring a professional website designer is the best option.

A professional web designer can create a custom website from scratch that meets all your specifications.

The advantage of this route is that you have complete control over the look and feel of your site.

However, this route can be time-consuming and require more resources.

On average, it can take up to several months to complete a custom website with a professional designer.

Ultimately, the amount of time it takes to build a custom website will depend on your needs and goals.

It’s important to consider what features you need and how much control you want over the design and development process.

With the right approach, you can create a website that meets all your needs in a reasonable amount of time.

The key is to find the right combination of marketing tools, resources, and expertise to get the job done.

With this in mind, you’ll be set up for success no matter what route you take.

Pros and Cons of Building a Website with Website Builders

custom website development phases

When building a website, there are two main approaches one can take: using a website drag-and-drop editor or custom coding.

Each approach has its own set of pros and cons that users have to consider before deciding on the best option for their project.


Here’s a list of some of the benefits of using a website builder:

  • Easy to Use: Most website builders are designed with ease of use in mind and offer simple drag-and-drop user interfaces that don’t require any coding experience. For instance, Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly are popular choices for website-building novices.
  • Cost Effective: Website builders are a great budget-friendly solution for creating websites as they tend to be much cheaper than custom coding from scratch. Furthermore, many of them offer free plans that allow users to create basic sites without any upfront costs.
  • Quick Turnaround Time: Typically, website builders allow users to create a website in minutes or hours instead of days or weeks, so they can have their site ready to go in no time at all.
  • Hosting Included: Many website builders will include hosting with the purchase of a subscription plan. This can eliminate the need for additional hosting costs and make it even more budget-friendly.
  • Variety of Templates: Many website builders offer a wide selection of customizable templates that users can choose from to get their site up and running quickly without having to start from scratch.
  • More Affordable than Custom Coding:Website builders are usually much more affordable than custom coding a website from scratch, making it a great option for those looking to save money.


However, there are also some drawbacks to using website builders:

  • Limitations on Design and Functionality: Website builders often come with limitations on design and functionality, so users may not be able to customize their site as extensively as they’d like.
  • Potential for Poor Performance: Since website builders are not always optimized for speed and performance, sites built with them may suffer from slow loading times or other issues.
  • Lack of Ownership: Using a website builder can mean that users don’t have full ownership over their site – they may be limited in their ability to make changes or migrate the site to another host.
  • Limited Hosting Options: Website builders usually offer limited hosting options and may not provide users with the same level of control over their hosting environment as they would have with a custom-coded website.
  • Difficult to Move Sites Elsewhere: It can be difficult to move a website built with a website builder elsewhere, so users may be stuck with the service that they have initially chosen.

Overall, building a custom website can take anywhere from days or weeks to months or even years depending on the complexity and scale of the project.

Website builders are an appealing alternative as they provide quick turnaround times and the potential for cost savings.

However, users should be aware of the potential limitations and drawbacks that come with website builders before deciding on which option to go with.

It is always best to carefully evaluate a project’s needs and determine if website-building software or custom coding is the better choice to ensure the best possible outcome.


why opt for custom website build

In conclusion, the amount of time it takes to build a custom website depends on the complexity of the project and how much effort is put into planning and designing the site.

Generally speaking, though, it typically takes one to two months from start to finish.

During that time, you’ll need to plan and research your project, design the website, code it, test it, and finally launch it.

With careful planning and dedication to the process, you can create a beautiful custom website in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many hours does it take to build a website?

    The amount of hours it takes to build a website depends on the complexity and scope of the project. For a website, it may take anywhere from 30-1000 hours for a coder to build. However, for more complicated projects such as e-commerce websites or heavily content-driven websites, you can expect that it will take longer.

  • How long does a simple website take to build?

    A simple one-page website, such as a small business site or portfolio page with minimal features, can generally be built in 20-40 hours. This includes the design and coding of the website, as well as testing and debugging any errors.

  • How long does it take a coder to build a website?

    A coder needs to take into consideration the complexity of the project before giving an estimate of how long it may take. For simple websites, it usually takes 20-40 hours but could be longer depending on the scope of the project.

  • How long does it take to build a 10-page website?

    Building a 10-page website can take anywhere from 50-1000 hours, depending on the complexity of the design and coding. This includes testing and debugging any errors that may arise during development.

  • Can you build a website in 2 weeks?

    Depending on the complexity of the project, it is possible to build a website in two weeks. However, it’s important to factor in the design and coding time, as well as any testing and debugging that may be needed.

  • Can you build a website in 2 days?

    Building a website from scratch can be quite difficult to do in just two days. It’s best to plan out your project before attempting such a timeframe so that you can determine if it is feasible.

  • How much do you pay a website designer?

    The cost of hiring a website designer will depend on the complexity and scope of your project. Generally, prices range from $200 – $350/hour for basic websites, with more complicated projects ranging in price from $350+/hour.

  • What is the fastest way to create a website?

    The fastest way to create a website is to use a website builder such as WordPress or Squarespace. These platforms provide drag-and-drop features, pre-made templates, and other features that make it easy to build your own site quickly.

Written By:
Picture of Brody Quail

Brody Quail

Maven Marketing Group

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Digital Marketing Pros – Dedicated to creating stunning websites and delivering top-notch online solutions.

Our Mission: To empower you to combat the challenges of the digital landscape, ensuring your online presence stands out.

Maven provides the best web design, development, and management services to achieve real results for your business.

Whether it’s through our expertly crafted websites or by enhancing your business online, we always deliver.

No one else offers this level of expertise!

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