
The Top 10 Web Design Trends

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Before diving into the top web design trends for this year, it’s important to remember that digital design is ever changing. Every year web designers conquer new techniques that bring websites to the next level. The space gets more competitive every year. Here are web design tips and ideas that will separate your website from your competitors.

Asymmetric Layouts

If you look at most of the websites created for largecorporations, they all follow a similar grid-based pattern. The grid keeps the page in order so a business can display what they want on their website in a uniform fashion. However, there is always innovation in the digital space. We are starting to see companies implement different strategies that get users’ engaged. Asymmetric layouts involve chaotic design and a broken-down grid technique.

The asymmetric layout used in websites like Context Culture & Cargo Collective gives a fresh take on web design and appeals to visitors.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Put simply, SVG’s are file formats that display interactive images on websites. SVG’s are great for hiding copy within a website which helps with SEO. Since SVG’s are interactive it gives the website the added flair it needs to catch the eye of consumers. When implemented correctly SVG’s can be used as a tool to communicate with users without overwhelming them once they get to your website.  

Growth Saloon is a perfect example of a simple SVG. It effectively communicates what it needs to while hiding an overwhelming amount of text within the page.

Oversized Lettering

When using oversized lettering a web designers’ main goal is simplicity. Bold typography has clear benefits and is gaining more and more popularity among freelance digital marketers. One main benefit to bold typography is it catches the eye of visitors, so they go where you want them to go on the site. Also, oversized lettering can draw attention to your brand. This leaves visitors with a visual they won’t soon forget.

Maven is a marketing company that develops brands and improves businesses’ digital presence. When people go on Maven’s website they are immediately greeted with oversized lettering that pushes users to their call to action.

Split Content

Incorporating split content in a web design procedure allows more than one message to be communicated at a time to viewers. Split content also organizes a page in a way that is visually appealing to users. Lastly, split content frames content in an orderly fashion, so any information on the page is properly communicated to the viewer. 

The Zero Curb website does a fantastic job of displaying a split content strategy. It effectively shows the work they have completed and gives necessary information on the page. This allows the viewer to make an informed decision on the service. Very strong web design technique.

Custom Images

Custom images give websites character and, honestly, they make web design more fun. It gives you something to call your own. Something that is totally unique to your site. This web design trend will help develop brand identity and make websites more memorable to visitors. Custom images can be used as conversation builders to prospective clients and ultimately drive more sales for a business.

Custom images are easily created using any website design tools for graphic design. Once you pick a program that works, the world is your oyster!

Full-Screen Forms

full-screen forms the ultimate web design trend

As mentioned above, oversized lettering is a simple way to catch the attention of viewers. The same goes for a contact form that takes up the entire screen. Full screen contact forms are less abrasive to people visiting a website; making users more likely to fill out the form.

A full screen form is perfect for businesses that want to engage users while driving them to get in contact with their business. 

Hidden Links

When designing a website, you start with a blank canvas. That real estate gets filled quickly throughout the build. Hidden Links not only help with navigating websites, they also save a lot of space. Hidden links make the design of the best websites crisp and clean.

Drywear Apparel uses hidden links to drive users to certain products. The hidden links allow Drywear to promote its products without overwhelming the customer with information. Less is More.

Parallax Web Design/3D Design

Parallax web design refers to the use of digital effects combined with 2D scrolling. This combination creates an illusion of depth giving the user a 3D experience. It’s made possible by manipulating the images to move at different speeds via scrolling on a website.

More than ever, web designers are usingthis technique because of its ability to captivate viewers.

Personally, Cann is the coolest website that uses Parallax Web Design. It is the perfect example of what Parallax can do for your website. Absolutely killer design.

Hey Siri!

Voice command has become a pivotal tool in recent times. Voice user interface (VUI) lets users interact with websites using voice commands. As our culture continues to catapult into the digital age, we continue to develop new ways to interact with technology. Enabling voice commands on websites adds usability and functionality to all platforms so all users can be accommodated.

Gearing Up for Success With Web Design Trends

This year, as in the past several years, we’ll witness many businesses making the transition to online platforms. Digital design is constantly evolving and always offers room for improvement.

The 10 web design trends we just discussed will dominate the sector, but many new trends will emerge in the coming years. Maven Marketing Group is excited about what this year and the subsequent ones hold. We are committed to consistentlydelivering the best web design the world has to offer!

Hope this article helps you out! If you want more advice for expanding your reach, getting leads, & growing your business — let us know in the comment section below!

Or if you’d like help implementing any of these tactics into your business – drop us a line! We’d love if you left a comment/question for us to answer below!

What type of web design trends do you think will be most successful this year?

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Maven Marketing Group was founded in 2019 on the core principle of bringing small businesses into the digital age. We are a Chicago based company, with clients all over the United States (& world). 

Maven Marketing Group has matured into a full-stack freelance digital marketing agency that focuses on offering high-quality web design packageswebsite management services, and freelance digital marketing services




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